14th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion - MED POWER 2024, Athens (Greece). 03-06 November 2024
Over half of the final energy consumed by the European industrial sector relied on carbon-emitting fuels in 2022. Biomass-based cogeneration technologies can efficiently adjust to varying industrial electricity and heat demands while contributing to substitute the use of fossil fuels. However, these technologies are best suitable for low-temperature heat applications, such as fuel drying or district heating. This study proposes a biomass cogeneration plant coupled with a high-temperature heat pump as a decarbonization solution for supplying medium-temperature industrial heat. We present an optimization model which combines the operation of cogeneration, heat pump and thermal units. Considering investment and operational costs, results allow us to evaluate the economics of the proposed configuration for a chemical processing industry and contribute to an in-depth understanding of technology options leading to an efficient use of renewable fuels.
Spanish layman's summary:
Bajo el supuesto de que la producción de calor industrial de media temperatura puede descarbonizarse de forma rentable, se investiga el acople de una cogeneración de biomasa con una bomba de calor. El modelo de optimización MILP propuesto permite evaluar los aspectos económicos de dicha configuración y contribuir al desarrollo de aplicaciones tecnológicas que conducen al uso eficiente de combustibles renovables.
English layman's summary:
Under the assumption that medium-temperature heat needs can be profitably decarbonized, the suitability of coupling a biomass CHP plant with a heat pump for an industrial consumer is addressed. The proposed MILP optimization model allows to evaluate the economics of such setup and contribute to an in-depth understanding of technology options that lead to an efficient use of renewable fuels.
Keywords: industrial decarbonization, cogeneration, biomass, heat pump
Publication date: 2024-11-03.
J. Gutiérrez, J.P. Chaves, A. Ramos, Biomass top-cycle CHP with hightemperature heat pump coupling: economic insights for industrial decarbonization, 14th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion - MED POWER 2024, Athens (Greece). 03-06 November 2024.